Thursday, January 1, 2015


Today we left Bangkok and headed 1.5 hours SW to the Samut Songkram Mangrove Conservation Area where we were able to experience the mangrove ecosystem first-hand.  This included planting mangrove saplings at low tide in an area in which they were not growing, and then slowly kayak through the mangroves to see the plants and animals.  Between those two activities, we had a fantastic seafood lunch on a platform in the ocean.

Cara, Collin, Carol, and Sharon:  Thanks for posting your comments; I really appreciate it.  I tried to choose pictures of your kids since I know you're watching the blog.

On the bow of our boat are bags of mangrove saplings that we're going to plant when we find an area devoid of mangrove trees.
Here's the whole group in a shallow draft boat that can maneuver in the mangrove canals as the tide goes out and the water recedes.
Long tailed macaques were throughout the mangroves and watched our every move.  We were concerned that they might try to jump in the boat with us to steal food.
Here is the area we chose for planting.  There are some small trees that appear to have been planted within the last year, but much of it is just soft mud….. very soft mud.
The students got out of the boat and walked through the mud to get to the open area to plant the saplings.  Here, Maria looks back to see that Jessica is mid-thigh deep.
Zach is working his way to the saplings to take one that he can plant.   He appears to have gone at least up to his knees, while Jessica is still working to extract her right leg.
Raechel holds a sapling in her left hand while searching for a good spot.
Jessica finally got out and is ready to plant her tree.
Here's Shanon working her way through the mud.  The laughter and screams were enough to keep the macaques far away.
Mikayla poses for the camera while the boat driver hands out more saplings in the background.
It seems that Raechel finally found the spot she was looking for.
Natalie is planting her tree.
The boat driver wanted to keep his boat as clean as possible, so he washed everyone's feet and legs as they got back into the boat.  Here I am at the "cleaning station."
All cleaned up and back in the boat, the next stop was the ocean platform for lunch.
Not a bad spot for lunch.
Raechel and Shanon coming up the gang-plank from the boat.
Here are 2 of our 3 tables.
After lunch, we kayaked through the mangroves in two shifts (not enough kayaks otherwise).  In this kayak are Shanon, Jordan, and Raechel.
Another of the omnipresent long-tailed macaques keeping an eye out for possible bites to eat.

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